General description 4-seat all-composite single-engine tractor low wing monoplane with retractable landing gear
Continental TSIO-360-F engine, 200 hp, with 76-inch Hartzell two-blade constant-speed
Fuel capacity 140 US gallons
Gross weight
2,850 lbs
Empty weight 1,600 lbs
Normal operating weight (2 persons, 50 gals fuel, 40 lb baggage) 2,300
Baggage compartment volume 13 cu. ft.
Landing gear Tricycle, hydraulically retractable, oleopneumatic; 600x6
tires on mains, 500x5 on steerable nosewheel; hydraulic brakes
Overall length
24.3 ft
Overall height 8.5 ft
Wing span
35 ft 10 in
Wing chord 52.3 in at the root, 21 in at BL 200, 6 in at the tip
Mean aerodynamic chord 38.82 in
Wing area 105.4 sq ft
Maximum wing loading 26.9 lb/sq ft
Normal wing loading 21.5 lb/sq ft
Aspect ratio 12.18
Airfoil sections Roncz laminar profiles, t/c .18 at root, .13 at BL 200;
NACA 0009 at tip
Incidence 1.5 deg at root, -0.83 deg at tip
Sweep 0 deg at 0.31c to BL 200, then 40 deg
Dihedral 1 deg from root to BL 48, 3 deg from BL 48 to BL 200, 32 deg
from BL 200 to BL 215
High lift devices .29c Fowler flap, 115 in span, 30 deg deflection, upper
slot lip at trailing edge, hydraulic actuation
Ailerons centerline hinged at .75c, 60 in span, deflection -27,+13
Horizontal tail
19.5 sq ft; elevator deflection -25, +15, upper-surface piano hinge at .60c;
Roncz .15 t/c turbulent section; AR = 6.5
Vertical tail 13.3 sq ft; rudder deflection +-25, centerline hinge at
.68c; Roncz .15 t/c laminar section; AR = 1.33
Airbrake 42 in span, 8 in chord, 60 deg deflection, hinged at FS 113.5 on fuselage bottom; hydraulic operation
Wetted area
480 sq ft
Design load
factor Utility category (+4.4, -2.2) at 2,400 lbs
Drag coefficient
Wetted area drag
Equivalent flat
plate area 2.35 sq ft
e 0.86
Most of the values below are calculated on the basis of other observations; [C] indicates a calculated item.
At 2,150 pounds (two persons, 30 gallons of fuel)
Maximum cruising speed (75% power at 18,000 feet) 200
kt @ 11 gph [C]
Economical cruising speed (55% power at 12,000 feet) 170 kt @ 8.2 gph
Stalling speed (flaps down) 52 kt
Rate of climb (sea level) 1,900 fpm @ 95 kias
Takeoff distance (sea level) 700 ft. [C]
Range with 45 minute reserve at 55% power 530 nm [C]
At 2,850 pounds (two persons, 80 pounds baggage, 142 gallons of fuel)
Maximum cruising speed (75% power at 18,000 feet) 193
kt @ 11 gph [C]
Economical cruising speed (55% power at 12,000 feet)
163 kt @ 8.2 gph [C]
Rate of climb (sea level) 1,270 fpm @ 100 kias
Takeoff distance (sea level) 1,300 ft. [C]
Range with 45 minute reserve at 55% power 2,690
nm [C]